Thursday, July 10, 2008

RE: At The Hospital...Again

So, I ended up only staying in the ER for a few hours. That's a good thing! They put me on fluids for the BS and gave me insulin. And! it wasn't an eye infection....

I was told to go to an eye specialist and he said it wasn't an infection....I forgot what he called it. Anywho, I have to see him again and I am on 3 different eye drops and pain killers! Argh!

Blah blah blah...back in work...blah.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

At the hospitol....again...

So I'm layin here in the hospitol bed. I can barely stand to look at thrus little blackberry screen.

I came in the ER to have my eye checked infection...and it hurts to look at anything bright. Anyways, of course I have to mention that I'm type 1 diabetic. They checked my blood sugar...its 465!!! :(

So now I'm probably gonna be here for an extended stay...lame...God, I wish I was ably to just keep this shut under control! Well, ill blog ya later...

-paranoid android

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